eMetrPlus (CANADA) SFM+112A is a Universal Reciprocal Frequency Counter/ Meter, and can display consistent Full 8 Digits EQUAL Precisions from LOWEST to HIGHEST of measurable frequencies.
Frequency Range: 0.8999999Hz- (<0.9Hz) to 2.4000001GHz+ (typical >2.7GHz). At 50/60Hz (Mains Power Frequency) the Resolution is 1uHz (0.000001Hz), the Units Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz, S, mS, uS, nS etc. are also Directly Displayed. Ultra Stable 16.00000MHz TCXO, SFM+112A Basic Accuracy (0C to 45C): 0.5PPM + 1 Count.
SFM+112A is a Dual Function PORTABLE/ BENCH equipment and can be used WithOut plugging into a Mains AC Outlet. The STN LCD Display is Ultra LARGE, SHARP & BRIGHT (Character Height >0.3inches with LED BackLight). The SFM+112A operates through an Extremely User Friendly MENU-Based Interface with 3 Front Buttons.